
Sunday, April 25, 2010

We're Out of the Army!

We've made it back home after three years in the Army. We get ourselves settled into a new house in Middleville, have another baby...and buy a racing boat. We camped, and raced, and loved it.

We've re-connected (I don't remember how) with Mike Bugai, and he helps Rand in the pits coming to as many races as his schedule permits. Mike is also racing dirt bikes. We all have full schedules.

The "B" class of stock outboards is notorious for their extremely loud engines. They are not loved by the neighbors of any race events, but they sure sound fast. They are. Mike's cousin, John, is bitten by the bug and joins in.

Boat racing is a family affair, and we enjoy the water, sun and camping opportunities, but with our growing family it is getting difficult to find room for it in our budget.

Above, Mike helps Randy in the "pits".